Latin America

Cuba's Reforms, Solidarity in Latin America, and Declining US Influence

Public Policy

Visit CubaRaul Castro has officially been president of Cuba since February 25, 2008, when his brother Fidel Castro stepped down from the post for good. Just before retiring from his presidential post Fidel ensured his nation that “this is not my farewell” – and even today there is no doubt that Fidel’s influence remains significant, if not compulsory. That said, Raul Castro is making a lot of changes to the the way Cuba operates – we’re witnessing a slow departure from communism and the simultaneous introduction of capitalism into Cuba’s economy – quite similar to the situation in China.

Domestic Reforms.
Some recent changes include the legalization of cell phone usage throughout Cuba, increasing the amount of state land available to private farmers, and the allowance of some citizens to seek title for their homes. Perhaps one of the most impressive moves was today’s announcement that Cuba is abandoning the egalitarian ‘same wage for all’ scheme – now all workers will be entitled to compensation based on skill and performance – an essential component of free market capitalism.
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